Legal notice

Legal Notice

Céline Exposto SARL
135, rue Louis Rouquier
92300 Levallois Perret
SIRET Number 9 1 8 3 3 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 1 9

The content of this site, including texts and images, is the property of Céline Exposto. Any reproduction, even partial, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an act of counterfeiting punishable by law.

Hosting: OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Publication Director: Céline Exposto –
Creation: StudioPM
Photo Credits: Céline Exposto


1 – **Definition:** A cookie is a small alphanumeric text file deposited on the hard disk of the internet user by the server of the visited site (Wikipedia definition). An anonymous identifier is assigned to each cookie. The cookie allows the visited site to identify the terminal on which it is recorded for the duration of validity or registration of the relevant cookie. It is impossible to trace a natural person via a cookie. During your consultation of, we may, subject to your choice, install various cookies.

2 – **Use of cookies on** These cookies allow us to establish site traffic statistics and detect navigation problems. The objective is to improve the quality of our services. If you agree, this data will not be cross-referenced with other processing, will not allow tracking of your navigation on other sites, the geolocation of your IP stops at the city, and this data will be retained for a maximum of 13 months.

Additionally, on certain pages of, you will find third-party social media buttons allowing you to share content from the site with others. Your browser may then send information to the social network and potentially associate this view with your profile. Cookies dependent on these social networks (beyond our control) may possibly be deposited in your browser by them. We invite you to consult the privacy policies specific to each of these social networking sites to learn about the purposes for which navigation information may be collected by social networks through these buttons and modules.
– Facebook
– Twitter
– Google+
– LinkedIn

3 – **Refusal of the use of cookies:** You can configure your browser to express and change your desires regarding cookies (statistical cookies among others). You can refuse certain cookies. If you refuse our cookies and those of our partners, your visit to will no longer be counted in our analytics tool, and you will no longer be able to benefit from certain features. This may impair the quality of your navigation on our site. We inform you that you can, however, object to the recording of cookies by following the procedure available below:

In Internet Explorer
1. Go to Tools > Internet Options.
2. Click on the Privacy tab.
3. Click on the Advanced button, check the box “Ignore automatic cookie management”.

In Firefox
1. At the top of the Firefox window, click the Firefox button (Tools menu in Windows XP), then select Options.
2. Select the Privacy panel.
3. Set Rules for storage: to use custom settings for history.
4. Uncheck Accept cookies.

In Chrome
1. Click on the wrench icon located in the browser toolbar.
2. Select Settings.
3. Click Show advanced settings.
4. In the “Privacy” section, click the Content settings button.
5. In the “Cookies” section, you can block cookies and third-party site data.

In Safari
1. Go to Settings > Preferences
2. Click on the Privacy tab
3. In the “Block cookies” area, check the “always” box

In Opera
1. Go to Settings > Preferences
2. Click on the Advanced tab
3. In the “Cookies” area, check the “Never accept cookies” box

On smartphones and tablets